So the enemy now wants amnesty..
When these secular minded folks were "in the dark" about the plandemic, they said or even did some very nasty things to those who happened to disagree with them on lifestyle choices.
For over 2 years, these people sought to control their fellow man and impose punishments for noncompliance, it got nasty and mean, immoral and outright wicked at times. Many tried to implement a vaccine passport program to restrict travel and access to resources, even going so far as to advocate for sending non-compliant people away to internment camps for refusing to participate in an experimental gene therapy injection..
Far too many of these tyrannical minded people went so far as to wish death upon their neighbors for refusing to comply with nonsense like wearing masks, socially distancing, or closing down their businesses and churches..
Those who were angry and scared wanted to impose any/all consequences upon those who were not also angry or scared. The mob of madmen refused to just let other people not join them in their madness, and it drove them even further into "the dark."
We have now seemingly reached the ending stages of the psy-op commonly referred to as Covid-19, and can look back at what happened with more clarity.. The mask wearing and social distancing proved to be ineffective, the business closures caused irreparable damage to many millions of people and the economy at large, the vaccines didn't work and even caused a lot of physical harm, even widespread death [ hundreds of thousands at this point in time, commonly hidden from the public with phrases involving words like "mysteriously" or "suddenly" ] .
But those who promoted and even demanded these prescriptions now seek amnesty for their actions, without any form of apology provided. They want others to forget the way they behaved. They call for forgiveness from others, without repenting for what they have done.
They want us all to just move along as if nothing of consequence actually happened, as if no one was harmed by what they said or did, as if no one should be punished for the evils committed. These people for the most part have not had a change of heart, they just want to avoid taking personal responsibility, and will use whatever tactics or resources are available for them to do so.
Words do in fact matter, and there is a big difference between amnesty and forgiveness..
Amnesty is a form of pardon for people who have committed crimes or done what is wrong. It is a free pass given to someone who deserves punishment for what they have done.
Forgiveness is letting go of our anger towards anothers sin, and letting go of the pain someone has caused us.
Forgiveness is not at all forgetting what another person did or did not do that was wrong, it is not excusing deliberate crimes or sinful behavior, it is not giving a free pass for people to be knowingly evil and spread wickedness to others.
As believers in Christ and followers of Him, we are clearly called to forgive our neighbors as we ourselves have been forgiven for our own crimes, and our own rebellion against God.
We are called by Christ to forgive not only the people we like or agree with, but all of the people who have harmed us.
We are called to consciously and deliberately decide to release feelings of resentment or vengeance towards the people who cause us pain, regardless of our feelings about the injustice or fairness of doing so.
We are called to forgive all who ask for forgiveness, those who admit what they did was wrong and show a repentent heart for whatever wrongs they committed..
And strangely enough, as tough as it is to do, we are called to forgive even our enemies who know not what they do..
In scripture we mostly see calls for forgiveness involving our brothers and sisters in Christ, those with regenerated hearts who continue to make mistakes and fall short of the glory of God while on their sanctification process. But in some instances, like while Jesus was in the process of being crucified, we see spiritual forgiveness for non-believers and unrepentant sinners modelled for us.
The pagan Roman soldiers who were actively torturing and killing the only One who ever did not deserve to be punished, humiliated, or executed, the only One who was ever perfect and sinless, were still forgiven anyways for their ignorance. They were blindly obeying the will of satan, and were forgiven still for not fully understanding the evils that they were participating in..
We are to pray for our enemies, for them to have a change of spirit and to turn away from their rebellion against righteousness. We are to forgive them, and even rejoice when God softens their hearts and convicts them of their sins. But there are enemies of ours who do not deserve amnesty for their attempts to spread wickedness and commit deliberate acts of evil against others. Those who actively seek to confuse, disrupt, destroy, defile, corrupt, and even kill what is good, true, and beautiful are not deserving of our love or forgiveness. They deserve to be prayed for, and still have a chance to repent, but they are undeserving of our amnesty until they make the decision to end their active support of evil and choose to instead obey our God and His righteousness.
"This is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with Him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth; but if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.
If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous, so that He will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar and His word is not in us."
1 John 1:5-10
The purpose of Christ's sacrifice was to allow for salvation, afforded to all of us for every one of our sins. When we believe, we repent, we obey, and we forgive. We understand as believers that when our rebellion against God ended, and repentence for our sins occurred, we were welcomed back into His glorious, eternal kingdom. We must also understand that those who decide to end their rebellion against God and repent for their sins, will also be forgiven by their Father in heaven and therefore must also be by us, no matter how heinous their crimes or how wrong they were.
But the active children of the lie who closed our churches and businesses, attempted to put masks on our faces and poisons in our bodies, who wished harm and death upon those of us who refused to comply with their evil, must be forgiven without question if their hearts ever do change. When that evil spirit leading them to believe in lies and behave so wickedly is vanquished and released, when our true enemy no longer has a grip over their minds and hearts, we must be quick to forgive them and eager to rejoice in the renewing of their soul.
Until then, there will be no amnesty afforded to unregenerated hearts seeking to avoid penalties.. But there will be endless forgiveness for all those who turn away from the lies, the falsehoods, and a love of what is evil, who instead make the conscious decision to turn towards the truth, the peace, and the love that comes only from our Creator.
We will forgive as the Lord also forgives, we will provide the useful idiots with grace as He does also. But we will not excuse or forget the workings of satan, the source of all evil who works most effectively in the darkness, and those who knowingly participate in his wicked schemes.
"But love your enemies and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil people. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.
Do not judge, and you will not be judged; and do not condemn, and you will not be condemned; pardon, and you will be pardoned."
Luke 6:37
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