The world is facing a shortage of good men.
The war on masculinity has been waged for decades now, and very few strong men are left standing, willing to continue the fight. The culture has pushed degeneracy, pleasure-seeking, materialism, and philosophies of liberation on men for decades, resulting in overly emotional and weak males who are unwilling to stand up for what is right or do the hard-work necessary to earn righteous rewards. We must now fix what is broken.
The sad state of masculinity in our world today isn't just a theory I hold, it is on full display constantly on our screens..
The males of our current age have become emotional attention seekers. Their behavior is now dictated by the culture, their opinions are currently controlled by a fear of losing their material stuff and/or addictions to pleasurable things. They lack a true or real connection to our Heavenly Father, thus they lack His logos + truth. These currently broken males are indoctrinated by materialists to seek temporary pleasure before securing righteous rewards, and to secure earthly comforts above seeking spiritual treasures.
Our civilization is crumbling before our eyes as a result of physically weak + spiritually broken men. The current political and cultural leaders openly call for hatred, anger, resentment and even violence against any man who dares to be good. The need to fix our men has become not only important, but necessary. Without the strength provided by good men, evil rules. Destruction, disorder, violence and even murder runs rampant when good men do not guide, build, provide and protect. It is important that we speak up for and encourage young men to return to their Heavenly Father, in order to overcome physical weakness and spiritual brokenness.
The strength I'm speaking of comes from a place of love, not anger. It is the courage to stand up for and speak the truth in all places, at all times, to fight for what is righteous and not just appease the feelings of others. Men cannot be the meaningful + purposeful beings that God created them to be with anger in their hearts. By holding anger inside of them, men are driven to act irrationally. They lose control over themselves, they lack true understanding of reality, they fail to reject the temptations and evils of the world. Anger leads men to repeat and even justify destructive behaviors, preventing them from finding the love they so desperately crave.
The men of today must find the motivation to be "a man" and not "the man" and it starts by humbling themselves before the creator, asking for forgiveness from God for past transgressions while also learning how to forgive the future transgressions of others. The pride and ego must be eliminated from thoughts, the anger and resentment must be released from hearts, and the strength, truth and love of God will shine through each man in every moment of every day.
The men can be fixed. The lost can still be found. Our future is bright if we choose to seek the light.
I am personally optimistic for the future of men. If young men begin taking simple yet effective steps in their daily lives to improve and correct themselves, it will result in healthier relationships, more successful careers, thriving families, widespread sobriety + health, and true meaning + purpose. It begins with repenting for the sins committed, and forgiving all others for their own sins. Once we make it clear to our Heavenly Father that we are willing to truly forgive others, He truly forgives us.. Putting us on the path towards fully liberating ourselves from the bondage and suffering currently holding us back here and now.
We must encourage our fellow men to commit to daily, thoughtful prayer. Encourage hard work and earning an honest living. Emphasize striving towards functional marriages and rejecting pre-marital sexual relations. Promote fatherhood, as well as discipline, truth and love in all households. And advise that men save money to invest in land, businesses, and providing necessities for their families, as well as giving back to their community in meaningful + productive ways.
When our men seek first God's Kingdom and all His right ways, they will be fixed.
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