Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Advice For Dudes


There is clearly a crisis of masculinity in our culture, our communities, our churches, our families, and ourselves. The art of manliness and the practice of fatherhood is severely lacking in this current time and place, but what has been lost can still be reclaimed.

Great men make good times, those good times make weak men, those weak men make hard times, and those hard times make great men..

It is clear to all with eyes to see that we are living in the good times making weak men stage of this historical cycle, and in order to make these incoming hard times brief, uneventful, unconsequential, and bearable we need to make sure that we are skilled sailors able to navigate through the storms ahead.

The time for complaining and pointing out our problems must end now, starting with ourselves, leading with action and by example, we must restore manhood and reclaim the families that our enemy seeks to destroy. 

Whatever has happened in our past, however your yesterday played out, today is the day that we must become addicted to improving ourselves and bettering our lives each day; taking the necessary steps in becoming the righteously masculine men that the other people in our lives want of us and need from us.

Here is my simple list of recommendations to help improve your life.. Strict yet simple steps that you should strongly consider taking, either daily or just very regularly over time to rise up out of a broken, weak, lost, destructive state and reclaim the manhood you may have lost or not yet found.  These are steps that I have taken personally that have drastically helped me become the man that God created me to be. I'm still working hard daily to make these regular habits, and I do still slip up at times, but remaining focused on building these habits and disciplines has made me a much better, stronger, wiser, skilled, and valuable man.

1.  Daily physical exercise is a must. Workout, lift weights, or just go for walks. Do something active and physical every single day, make sure you are sweating a little bit at some point.

2. Sunshine and being in nature is a must, daily. We are made to be outside in nature, receiving energy from our glorious sun.. Make sure to spend at least an hour or two outside, and be sure to get a good amount of time in the sun every week.

3. Seek to constantly build loyalty + develop character. Be honest, truthful, fulfil your contracts and oaths, and pay off your debts. Work on it all, step by step, every day.

4. Be working + building stuff daily. Improve on your physical surroundings, invest in your business or career and grow your own food or support those in your community doing so. Refocus your time + energy on your career and the careers of those in your direct community.. Seek out every way to shop local and support farmers markets + local suppliers. 

5. Learning, reading, conversing about interesting and meaningful topics is a must. I recommend reading your Bible, at least 1-5 chapters each morning or night, but at least read something that has valuable, tangible, practical, purposeful knowledge or wisdom. Every day or night, be learning something useful.

6. Surround yourself with moral, righteous people. Having hardworking and skilled folks in your life is a must, be around greatness to become great yourself.

7. Restrain yourself. Limit yourself. Self-disciplining is a must. If you are "addicted" to substances or drugs, dependent on them to get through your day, limit your consumption or cut it out entirely.. You grandparents and their grandparents didn't have all this junk food, soda, pot-smoking, porn, sexual appetites, drunkenness, computer games, entertainment or screen distractions.. And you don't need them to survive and thrive either..

Learn to restrain your urges, regain control over your flesh urges, and fight off the pains caused by all these unnatural, unrighteous things and false idols we have grown comfortable to or attached to.

As Christians, this is why fasting is so important.. First and foremost with food appetite curbing, but also bleeding out into other forms of flesh urges we tend to become dependent on in our lives.. We must remove our idols, and return to our natural state of being, and live with what is needed and not what is wanted or craved for.

8. Get enough sleep every night, and do not sleep in. Do not let the snooze button even be an option in your life. Plan accordingly, get to bed on time or early, and do not sleep in. Unless you have some sort of weird work schedule, wake up early and work on something. I highly recommend early morning workouts and prayer. I wake up at 5 every morning now, and I try to go to the gym for at least some sort of weight lifting or treadmill walking, and I get on the rowing machine.. If I do not make it out to the gym before work, I make sure to read the Bible or read other interesting books. It has made me so much more disciplined, better prepared for the day, and eager + excited to get to work every day.

Last year during the covid lockdown season I worked the 2nd shift, and my schedule was all out of wack.. I went to the gym after my work shift at 10pm, and it caused me to stay up late and get into a habit of staying up late.. I would stay up until like 2am, even if I wanted to get to bed earlier, and would sleep in to 10 or 11 am every day.. 

Switching jobs, and adjusting my sleep schedule to be more stable and regular in my daily happenings has definitely provided me with more energy, more happiness and appreciation each day, and I definitely get more accomplished throughout the day. 

Seek to plan out each day, organize your schedule and build discipline into your life. Make sure to learn from better or more experienced men, find a purpose to fight for.. Genuinely seek to become a better man each day, control your physical urges, and seek God + all His right ways.. 

Become addicted to improving yourself and bettering your life.

Your comfort zone will kill you.

Being stagnant is death.

Safety is death. 

Ease is death.

Be born again, be one who seeks a life of hard work.. Accomplish great things, work towards tomorrow instead of looking back at yesterday..

Push into your challenges, embrace your struggles, and give thanks for the hardships.. They will make you better, stronger, wiser, and lead you away from staying the same or regressing back into weakness and brokenness, back into defeat and loss..

Use your losses, your defeats, your struggle and hardships to make you better, to overcome the next challenges that arise, to learn and grow and build and conquer now and always going forward..

Leave your defeats behind you, and go forward into victory now.

But even victory will defeat and destroy you in time..

Be sure to never become comfortable in your accomplishments and in your past works. 

Always seek to progress, to improve, to learn, and to grow.

Continue down the road, keep running the race, and always improve yourself.. Be addicted to improvement.

Travel down the path of most resistance, and avoid at all costs the path of least resistance.. 

Just to repeat and restate this all simply :

Get your sleep schedule in order, wake up early and get to work on something, even before work. Restrain yourself, and discipline yourself. Get your addictions and urges in check. Surround yourself with legends and great people, to help you become one yourself. Learn something meaningul every day, read or listen to wise and useful books or podcasts. Work on something, build and grow stuff. Be honest, truthful, genuine, fulfill your oaths + contracts, pay off your debts. Get out into nature, make sure to get sunlight regularly.. and be sure to get daily exercise, go lift weights a few times a week, and get outside for walks or runs a few times a week.

Get on with improving your life. Get on with overcoming your emotions and moods. Get on with getting physically healthy, strong, in shape. Get on with providing for and protecting yourself and your loved ones. Get on with learning useful skills and knowledge. Get on with becoming the man you were always created to be, and leave the little boy and the gamma male behind you. 

Those in your life need you to become one of the chads that will help rebuild this mess made by simps that we are heading into. The time to reclaim your lost manhood and masculinity is now. 

A destiny of righteous manhood awaits you, walk confidently into it with strength, courage, honor, truth, perseverance, discipline, faith, loyalty, and hope. 

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