Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Forgiving Debts

The boomers and "conservatives" have been loud + heated this last week regarding student debt forgiveness. The democrats are celebrating, republicans are angry, and most of the christians commenting online about this current event are unfortunately just repeating incorrect secular nonsense.. 

This post is not going to make me many friends, but it needs to be explained and explored.

Last Wednesday the people who manage the Presidency of Joe Biden announced a student debt forgiveness plan. It seems to be relatively simple, where student borrowers would be entitled to $10,000 of debt relief, $20,000 for those who went to college on Pell grants, but only those who possess household incomes of less than $125,000 for single people and $250,000 for married couples. In addition, the plan would cap all additional monthly loan payments at an amount equal to five percent of the borrower's monthly discretionary income and forgive remaining loan balances after 10 years of payments, provided the remaining balance is $12,000 or less.

Biden's handlers also extended the pause on student loan payments, which were first granted during the Covid overreaction, on through the end of the year. Those student borrowers would then resume regularly scheduled payments in 2023.

An important thing to note about this plan is that it is not a legislative proposal. The president is not asking congress to enact this reform, he is initiating it through the executive branch only. It is a weird loophole, as it is being initiated alongside the HEROES Act, which was passed after the 9/11 attacks, and is somehow granting him authority to forgive student debt "in connection with a war or other military operation or national emergency."

It does seem like we are facing a national emergency, since millions of millennials and zoomers are stuck in crippling debt, that can't be defaulted on or forgiven in bankruptcy.. At a time when this nation is suffering from a severe lack of jobs and career oportunities, rising inflation, unprecedented housing costs, an absurd national debt that is likely unpayable, uncontrolled immigration, and 20 straight years of foreign wars. The young people of today have been emotionally manipulated, physically traumatized, and spiritually broken down by their parents and grandparents, and things only seem to be spiralling downwards physically.

This recent move by Biden's managers was a truly great thing for generations of young Americans currently struggling to be fruitful and multiply. Providing many millions who were duped into taking out basically unpayable loans for really nothing of value in return, with a little bit of forgiveness.

This move was also just a brilliant stategy politically, occurring just a couple months before a midterm election that was looking to be a red tsunami.. 

Regardless of your political leanings, this move was great for Americans and strategically wise for those currently in perceived power.. 

However, the neocons, boomers, and "christians" didn't agree.. Because of course.. They didn't hesitate to type out their jealous or angry opinions onto their screens in an attempt to make other people feel bad and scared. They of course thought about their own financial situations and their personal experiences first and only, and complained publicly about others in need who are about to receive some very needed financial assistance.. 

This particular Israeli citizen had a "controversial idea" to share online, but he would certainly not like it if someone else shared a controversial idea about ending foreign aid to Israel or stopping our bombing of their neighboring countries.. 

This neocon just publicly shared his thoughts about potentially losing future cannon fodder for unneccesary foreign wars now that our debt slaves have been helped out a little bit..

He seriously hit send on this.

They are sharing the secret parts out loud now.. That by keeping young Americans poor and desperate, the ruling elites can lead them into military enlistment with a promise of future financial opportunities if they can survive the ongoing banker wars, and if they can also avoid the high likelihood of acquiring PTSD in the process.. 

This RINO cyclops doesn't understand what debt is and how it will be 'paid off' but he also doesn't understand what it means to be a Christian &/or conservative.. He is more than happy to sign off on red flag laws that are taking away guns from American citizens, he loves supporting foreign wars and occupations, and he suggested that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was merely a fictional character like Superman.. 

.. and finally, the GOP in general became a complete laughingstock by claiming that all who take out a loan must pay it back themselves.. Despite the fact that almost every single republican and "conservative" took out a PPP loan in 2020. Loans that were totally, and completely paid for by the taxpayers.. Not a debt that has been forgiven, like this recent Biden debt relief plan, but actual taxpayer money that was transfered into the payrolls of the very same people who are currently crying about other people having their loans forgiven..

These other people aren't just scammers and grifters either, they are very young adults with no real life experience, who were tricked into attending college by older generations and promised job opportunities that would easily pay off their ridiculously expensive loans in no time.. but quickly found out that these jobs had actually been outsourced to other countries because boomers needed cheaper material possessions and a more comfortable life for themselves.. 


These lying hypocrits are complaining publicly about struggling young Americans having $10,000 or $20,000 of their debts forgiven.. While they themselves took tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars, some even millions, in free taxpayer money just 2 years ago.. They closed their offices during the Covid overreaction, they sent home their employees and locked down their businesses, they went along with the lies and the agendas, shutting down our economy, closing many thousands of small businesses forever, and crippling millions of lives.. All because they were bribed and rewarded financially.. 

They received free money from the taxpayers to go along with the plandemic nonsense, they completely uprooted and destabilized this nation and beyond, and now these same scumbags are crying about young, poor, desperate Americans receiving some debt relief in the wake of the 2020 economic fallout.. 

In summary, student debt relief is giving those who are basically enslaved a bit of help, and all those giant PPP loans were bribes given to politicians and millionaires to shut up and obey during the 2020 psy-op.. 

These boomercons and RINOs [ Republicans-In-Name-Only ] don't seem to complain when the federal government gives foreign aid to other countires, or subsidises corporations, funds foreign wars, or gives payroll loans out to themselves.. But they sure are fired up lately about a little bit a debt relief for students and young Americans who did what was expected of them and are struggling to deal with the disastrous results.. 

It must be noted in all of this, that these same people and many others who have been complaining about "Bidenflation" or the supposed inflationary state of our economy lately, do not seem to understand that this new student debt forgiveness plan is actually helping to deflate the money supply..

To explain it clearly, the masterful Vox Day posted this on his blog [ ] last week :

"Most money is debt and it comes from nowhere. It is not printed by the government, it is literally created from nothing when a loan is taken out. This is inflationary. When a loan is cancelled, forgiven, or written off, the debt literally vanishes. This is deflationary, since it reduces the amount of money in the economy.

If the loan is paid off, either by the debtor or by a third party, then no money leaves or enters the system. It is a neutral action. If interest is paid on the loan, this is mildly inflationary but trivial at current interest rates.

That’s literally how debt money works, and if you don’t understand why L.1 is bigger and more important than the M1 money supply, then please stop sharing your opinion on the subject of student loans because you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about."


In another blog post, Vox wrote this :

"Don’t make the mistake of defending the wrong thing because bad or stupid people happen, for whatever reason, to be doing the right thing for a change. Student debt is a scam, it should never have been legal in the first place, and the law preventing student debt from being discharged.

Make no mistake: if you’re on the side of the bankers and the Boomers and the universities here, you are absolutely and without question choosing the side of evil. And there is no amount of solipsistic argumentum ad personalem is going to make your argument any more convincing or moral, or any less economically ignorant and churlish.

Don’t forget the Parable of the Unmerciful Servant either.

Then the master called the servant in. ‘You wicked servant,’ he said, ‘I canceled all that debt of yours because you begged me to. Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?’ In anger his master handed him over to the jailers to be tortured, until he should pay back all he owed."

I've seen far too many "christians" this last week siding with these fools on the "right" and making emotional arguments against forgiveness of debts.. 

Not to mention that usury [ charging interest on a loan ] itself has been considered a sinful act until only recently.. It is a disgraceful practice that was clearly condemned by the Old Testament and the early Church.. But has recently become commonplace, promoted, and even expected by far too many christians who are choosing to be of this world. This immoral and heinous practice is designed to exploit the poor and leads to increased worship of money.

Ezekiel Chapter 18 discusses sin that God deals justly with, and starting in verse 7 the practice of usury is clearly explained to be something God does not desire for us to be engaged in.

Leviticus Chapter 25, verses 35-38 makes it very clear that God wants us to treat each other fairly, with love and respect, and to not profit from each other unjustly.. Which includes not taking interest from one another, in our money or in our food. 

The warnings continue on.. 

We are to deal with each other fairly, we are live morally and truthfully with each other, trusting each other and loving each other. This all seems to be lost on many Christians in America today, who seem to be more worried about their own precious money than they are with the well being of their neighbors or walking the narrow path of righteousness. 

Not to mention the general idea that Jesus came to redeem us. He came to forgive our debts [ sins ] and to take on Himself the punishment that we deserve. Jesus forgave us all, even His enemies, He restored the poor and sick, and paid the ultimate price for what we did wrong.. 

The gospel, the good news for all of us, is simply that through Jesus Christ there is now salvation for sinners.. The unpayable debt has now been cancelled. 

We are to repent of what we did wrong, forgive others for what they have done wrong, believe in the Lord our God and obey Him.

We are to love our creator and all of His other children. We are to be frutiful and multiply, spread the gospel to all the ends of the earth, and seek first righteousness.. 

We are not called to be angry at young people for government policies they had no control over, calling them mean names while complaining publicly about some of their debts being forgiven because it might increase our own taxes a little bit..  We are not commanded to be jealous of others, or be angry with them because they received something that we did not.. We are not loving God or each other when we excuse or promote the practice of usury, and personally profit from the mistakes of the youth or the desperation of the poor. 

Every single debt anyone could ever owe another is tiny in comparison to the debt that we each owe to God, for everything He has given us and will give to us.

We love God and His children when we forgive them, when we help them get out of debt, when we lead them away from a life stuck in material hell, helping to fixate their eyes on eternity and moving towards a spiritual reunion with the redeeming light, love, and life that is Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. 

A Masterful Experiment

  The craziest part to me about the whole plandemic wasn't even it happening, or all the people that carried it out, bought into it, def...