Child sacrifice is becoming legal in America.. Seriously..
"Greg Burt, Director of Capitol Engagement for the California Family Council writes at
SACRAMENTO, CA — Gov. Gavin Newson’s abortion council dropped a legislative bombshell. The group of policy makers intend not only to codify the killing of unborn children throughout all nine months of pregnancy but to decriminalize killing newborns days or weeks after birth.
New language added to AB 2223 last week revealed the disturbing intent. The proposed legislation would shield a mother from civil and criminal charges for any “actions or omissions” related to her pregnancy, “including miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion, or perinatal death.”
Although definitions of “perinatal death” vary, all of them include the demise of newborns seven days or more after birth.
The bill from Assemblywoman Buffy Wicks (D-Berkeley) also protects anyone who “aids or assists a pregnant person in exercising” these rights.
It also allows a woman to sue any police department or legal authority which arrests or charges her for hurting or killing her child under provisions of the bill.
“For years, pro-life advocates have argued there is no moral difference between ending a child’s life days before birth or days after birth. California’s pro-abortion legislators now seemingly agree,” said Jonathan Keller, President of California Family Council.
“A political culture that justifies killing millions of children in the womb is now declaring open season on unwanted newborns. Every Californian must oppose this heinous bill."
AB 2223 is not only a pro-abortion bill – it removes all civil and criminal penalties for killing babies born alive under any circumstances. The bill expressly authorizes any person to facilitate late-term abortions and infanticide without legal repercussions. Life Legal condemns the use of euphemisms like “personal reproductive decisions” and ‘reproductive justice’ to justify and encourage the killing of babies in and outside the womb.
– Attorney and Chief Executive Officer Alexandra Snyder of the Life Legal Defense Foundation
California lawmakers have crossed a red line by seeking to legitimize the killing of hours-old and even week-old infants. This is not about expanding abortion rights; this is a degree of evil that The overwhelming majority of Americans, regardless of how they identify politically, cannot stomach. We will be working to defeat this insane and diabolical bill.
– Attorney Matthew McReynolds with the Pacific Justice Institute
The demons are crossing the Rubicon and are now seeking to push legislation through in multiple states that would allow mothers to not only murder their unborn babies in the womb, but now also the babies who have actually been born.
They aren't throwing these babies into a fire before the feet of a Moloch statue, at least not yet, but they and their "care providers" are soon going to allow babies struggling to survive following their birth to simply die, while not facing any sort of legal consequence for not acting.. This practice will likely become normalized soon enough, and these horrors will only continue to get worse.
These people are evil, the ones who wrote and proposed this legislation to begin with, as well as all of those who are or will be promoting it and supporting its implementation.
We as a society are beyond the point of feigning ignorance, as these wicked forces are openly bragging about and celebrating the murdering of babies while calling it something good and just for all. It is happening publicly before our eyes, on all of our screens, they are congratulating themselves and praising each other for opening up a door that would allow women even more ways to sacrifice their own children.
If these women and their supporters actually cared about their rights they wouldn't be supporting covid lockdowns, uneccesary long-term mask wearing or enforced experimental gene therapy injections for all.. If these women and their supporters actually cared about their health they would oppose widespread nicotene and alcohol consumption, the normalization of opiods and marijuana use, and the regular consumption of corn syrup and seed oils..
No, these women and their supporters don't actually care about doing what is right or being right.. They want to live for themselves, they seek pleasure for themselves, they want as much ease and comfort as they can possibly get away with, they want social status, they want attention, and they want to be praised and worshipped. And if their selfish lifestyle happens to result in a pregnancy that would threaten their selfish desires, they have found many ways already to legalize the murder of that baby, and continue to find even more..
They will not stop, evil does not stop.
The enemy and his wicked minions continue to push for more "women's rights" that will allow for the killing of not just unborn babies, but soon also the killing of babies who have been born and then even children.. A scenario that seemed to be ridiculous just decades or even a few years ago.
If these "activists" are not stopped, they will just continue to push further and further towards the logical conclusion of eliminating any/all lives that threaten their own glory, their own personal desire to become a worshipped goddess here on earth..
It is a problem that plagued the first woman, and all that have come after. And if this craving is not stopped or corrected by righteously masculine men, then the tyranical feminism beginning to plague our society now will lead to the literal sacrifice of babies, children and other people who stand in the way of girls just wanting to have fun..
This might sound extreme or farfetched to some of you out there still, somehow, but we continue to spiral downward towards this dark scenario, and not many seem to truly be standing up against it or putting an end to the madness.. So it will continue.
Child sacrifice and human sacrifice has happened many times in recorded human history, and it seems to be on its way back if the brothers and sisters in Christ, the righteous children of God continue to just sit back and do nothing as wicked forces continue to promote what is ugly, false, and evil onto society.