Monday, December 27, 2021

A Legion Of Bears

Since encountering Christ in 2019, I have had a handful of seasons where my spiritual disciplines fall short and my faith walk stalls. This last November was certainly not one of those.

I was invited to join an online brotherhood of Christian Men from the Unbearables. The "bears" are those who have at one point in time listened to and enjoyed the livestreams from comedian and legend Owen Benjamin, who then decided to join the community that has formed around him. These bears are locally minded, focused on building and maintaining strong, healthy families, and are all in a pursuit of what's beautiful, what's true, and what's good. 

This attracts all types of people from all sorts of backgrounds, but mostly they follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, serve the Father, and seek to in some way participate in the building of His Kingdom. In 2020 some of the men in this bear community decided to form a private club that would serve as not only a male fellowship circle, but also as an accountability group focused on building each other up emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

The Legion of Bears is now made up of men from all around the world, literally, from every generation, and from all races + ethnicities. This group informs each other of local events happening, discusses meaningful topics and not just the current events, the internet dramas or the political theatrics. This legion most importantly holds each other accountable for their wrongs, while lifting each other up for their successes. 

 The building, the growing, the overcoming, and the crushing that occurs with these men is truly remarkable, and you reading this could easily benefit from membership in it as well. If you currently lack brotherhood, fellowship, community, accountability, discipline, and/or determination in your life, but are truly seeking to find it, the legion might just be the place for you. 

All men are invited to join, and the contact info will be at the bottom of this blog.. But not all who sign up will make it through the recruitment stage. This is a one month challenge where all new recruits are put together in a seperate telegram chatroom where they are tested to make sure that they have the discipline, the attitude, and the determination to be a part of the greater Legion. 

During this thirty day trial all recruits must reject the materialistic pleasures of modern society, embrace hardship + struggle, thrive in the war against the vices of flesh, while seeking righteous living at all times. 

The requirements : 

Must watch the three part sermon series from Paul Washer called "Biblical Manhood" 

Must read the entire required literature inside of the recruitment month period. The reading might change over time, but for my recruitment grouping we read The Doctrines of the Lesser Magistrates by Matthew Trewhella and discussed it over the course of the month.

Must only eat one meal per day [OMAD] and should plan schedules and stomachs ahead of time to accomodate this necessity. 

There are no added sugars allowed. Naturally occurring sugars only in the food that is consumed once a day. 

There is absolutely no tolerance for the consumption of drugs and alcohol, including smoking cigarettes and vaping. 

There is a daily minimum of 2 chapters per day read from the Bible, the choice of which is up to you. 

There is absolutely no pornography use allowed. As well as no masterbation, and no unneccesary sexual intercourse with a committed spouse unless it is done with the intention of conceiving a child. 

All recruits are to wake up + check in publicly with the group before 6am in the timezone you are living in. There must also be a publicly posted video of the required workout for the day before 6am. 

Failure to accomplish these tasks, or a failure to reject the temptations of pleasure and comfort will result in various amounts of penance. Typically this involved pushups.. Lots and lots of them..  Which can at times include group penance for the rest of your fellow recruits following a slip up of your own. Some failures will require handwritten apology letters, some will require a change of one's public profile picture to something very embarassing, some can even result in a permanent removal from the challenge and group altogether.. But no matter what, you can be assured that all of the failures will be followed by some savage and ruthless memes at your expense, and with the experienced meme warriors in there, it truly won't be a fun time for you over the next few days.. 

These rules and restrictions to outsiders might seem harsh, or silly, or overly demanding of a man in our modern era, but as one who successfully accomplished doing them all I can say that they not only worked to help my mind and body, but also lifted up my spirit. My experience in the recruitment month greatly benefitted my earthly body as well as my immortal soul.

There were pains and struggles along the way, and the great deceiver did try his best to lead me away from my requirements and tasks, but I pushed on through the storm. 

During this recruitment month and now beyond it, I have found myself becoming legitimately more disciplined in my life. My days are more prepared and planned out, I am aware of what is going in my body and not making excuses for consuming or using what is not healthy.. My daily scripture reading has always been pretty consistent, but is now absolute. 

I have become more active and busy in the best of ways, accomplishing more and budgeting my time successfully each day and every week.. All without the stress and burnout that has typically resulted from prior periods like this in my life. I find myself planning ahead with ease and making more out of every day, with positivity and hope in mind. 

I also lost close to 15 pounds, as a result of eating healthier food less often. Cutting the sugar was tough, but not impossible, and the shakes and cravings died down after a week or so. Eating less has always been a battle for me, but thanks to the added pressure of penance, along with all the uplifting sentiments and encouragement from the boys, I managed to finally eat less. 

The daily workouts weren't overly difficult, but pushed me enough to break a sweat to start my day and get the blood pumping. I have slacked a bit on these after my recruitment month, but have been going to the gym fairly regularly in the morning to do workouts of my own to start the day. It seems to be not only good for the gains, but good for my sanity. 

If you are interested in taking up the call and joining this legion of bears, you can contact me on the various social media places and I will forward your requests to the veterans and leaders. If you want to contact them directly reach out to those listed at the bottom of this blog post..

This challenge is not for everyone, but it could be exactly what you need to start off 2022 in the right way.

The thirty day challenge begins at 5am on January 1st, no excuses and no exceptions. This challenge will help you reject the materialistic pleasures of modern society, embrace struggle and discomfort, and offers you accountability and brotherhood during your journey. 

We are Christian men who find our strength in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. If you choose this narrow path over the wide path of destruction, you will gain spiritual, mental, and physical strength, alongside those who have also answered the call of the Legion. 

May you find strength in our creator and be the men our families and nations require us to be in a world of universal depravity and wickedness. 

The challenge is currently held on the Telegram app, so be sure to download it and familiarize yourself with it. You can reach out to one of the men in charge for the invite link and be entered in and ready to roll on January 1st.. I would love to see you in the ranks of the general legion in February!

Contact On Telegram :

@LegionnaireBear  @BearBravelybear  @telecaster_bear  @plane_runner  @steadfast_bear

Contact On Instagram : 

@plane_runnerr  @joe.gagan  @mj_corum  @steadfast_bear 

Friday, December 24, 2021

Merry Christmas Y'all


" .. And there, in the stable, amongst the chickens and the donkeys and the cows, in the quiet of the night, God gave the world His wonderful gift. The baby that would change the world was born. His baby Son. 

Mary and Joseph wrapped Him up to keep him warm. They made a soft bed of straw and used the animals' feeding trough as His cradle. And they gazed in wonder at God's Great Gift, wrapped in swaddling clothes, and lying in a manger. 

Mary and Joseph named Him Jesus, "Emmanuel" - which means 'God has come to live with us.'

Because, of course, He had."

- From The Jesus Storybook Bible written by Sally Lloyd-Jones

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

America First v. Gab

 The "America First" crew coming on Gab and acting like children is just a marketing strategy.. an effective one. 

They have been causing drama on purpose this last week to attract attention, comments, clicks, traffic to their new site, and brand solidification.

It's just a negative marketing strategy tapping into people's emotions to push what they are selling.. If you are one of those seeking to combat them, if you do not like them or what they have been doing lately, just stop giving them their desired attention and interaction. It is their currency at the moment. 

I generally support the AF movement, I have made a lot of friends in the community so far, and it has potential to be a major force for good in society.. But the current leaders using/abusing the Gab platform to personally profit is disrespectful to all of those who made that place over the years. Those who have taken risks, those who have invested their money, time and energy into creating, building and growing this alternative platform despite all of the struggles and persecution. Those who have stopped complaining about the clown world and have begun actually building their way out of it, while bringing others who want out of this mess along with them. 

I believe that Gab has become a reliable lighthouse in the darkness, a guiding light through the storm, and that this safe harbor does not need any money changers or merchant class nonsense. 

What these guys are doing is a smart strategy, it is going to make them money, and they will eventually leave the platform whenever it suits them personally.. However, it shows what their actual motives are and their true character. These leaders of the movement currently don't care about creating + promoting what is good, true + beautiful, they seem to care only about themselves and milking their supporters and other good people dry. 

Sunday, December 12, 2021

New Name, New Logo, Same Sean

 If you have not noticed by now, I am no longer going by the name "Sean v Planet" or @seanvplanet on any of the social media sites or content platforms.. 

I chose to brand myself as someone fighting against the world after I encountered Jesus Christ in 2019 and became a follower of Him, thinking foolishly that my faith would require me to fight against the wickedness of this temporary realm we exist in.. 

I have come to realize that we are in a spiritual battle, that we must always guard ourselves against satanic schemes and wear God's armor to fight against the evil that seeks to destroy us.. But this struggle is not one of flesh and blood, it is not physical and it does not involve weaponry, violence, or force.

We are to be strong in our spiritual disciplines; prayer, fasting, reading the Word, church attendance + fellowship with other Christians. We are to seek a personal relationship with the living God, trust in Him, thank Him, love Him, and obey Him. And we are to share the salvation afforded to all sinners boldly, confidently, continuously, and extensively. 

So, I have decided to rebrand myself not as some comic book character or wannabe super hero defeating evil myself, but just simply as myself.. A humble, obedient servant of the Lord our God seeking to make disciples and be discipled. Just one man on a mission to seek God + all His right ways, working towards one day hearing the words "well done, good and faithful servant" from the creator after my time in this place is finished. 

However, my name is fairly common and has been taken on almost all the sites, apps, and platforms.. So my nickname "Seanathan" is going to be used for all of my online content going forward. 

You can find and follow me by searching out "Seanathan Cory" on all of the social media sites and content streaming platforms. 

@seanathancory on Instagram, Gab, TikTok, Social.Infogalactic

SeanathanCory on YouTube, Bitchute, Odysee, Rumble,,,, and on all of the podcast apps one might use on their phone. 

The only places I could not transfer my name are :

Tv.Gab :

Telegram :

My Discord invite link is still :

My Physical Mail Box is still :

Sean Cory  PO Box 330172  Nashville, TN 37203

And a simple link to find the important links and social media feeds : 

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Censored Again..

Another twitter censorship wave has struck, and this one doesn't seem to be about politics, race, or social issues. This most recent round of suspensions and deactivations appears to be targeted against Christian men. 

Tens of thousands of Christian males were suspended without legitimate cause on December 6th 2021, myself included. I did not violate any of their terms or break any of their rules, and had been pretty tame and inactive in the days leading up to this. I appealed the decision and made my case, but have been given this response by the company : 

" Hello,

Your account has been suspended and will not be restored because it was found to be violating the Twitter Terms of Service, specifically the Twitter Rules against managing Twitter accounts for abusive purposes. "

If you were following my account then you understand how comical these claims of abuse are. Promoting my livestreams, making silly jokes, posting funny memes, and sharing the gospel was far from abuse, and would often result in myself being textually attacked by spiritually blind folks and lost souls. 

In the days leading up to this ban I was called an "incel" by someone attempting to shame me, told that my faith made me "childish" or in other words stupid, was labelled a "loser" because my following was only a couple hundred people, and was called a "mayo monkey" by a person of color attempting to mock my skin color and ethnicity. 

None of these people were suspended by twitter for using their accounts for abusive purposes because I am Christian, I am male, I am straight, and I am "white." Whenever supposed abuse is targeted against people like me it is deemed perfectly acceptable by the Babylonian tech companies, while my mere existence on those same platforms is deemed "abusive" and worthy of permanent suspension. 

We know by now that the game is not fair. We know that the leftists are hypocrits and lack principles, we know that companies and organizations favor minority groups, we know that the government is corrupt and not on the side of those who desire liberty. Those of us who are no longer blinded by sin understand that evil is on the rise, that institutions of power and groups with influence have been infiltrated or subverted by nefarious people seeking to destroy what is good, true, and beautiful. We understand that real persecution is coming for Christians in America, and we can sense that it will be here sooner rather than later.

We are experiencing the inevitable results now of multiple generations who have chosen to sacrifice doing right and being right in order to protect their property and keep their social status. We chose the easy paths in order to get ahead, we chose to censor our words in order to keep our jobs, we chose to say things we did not agree with in order to maintain our relationships, and we chose to comply with nonsense in order to resume our comfortable, distracted, predictable, busy lives. 

Our churches have become dependent on tax breaks and insurance plans to operate, our communities have become dependent on foreign goods and cheap labor to function, and our families have become dependent on screens and junk foods to survive. 

The dependency of Christians on the beast system has been gently destroying us, we are only just now entering the stage of decay where it is noticeable and causing irrepreable damage. Our addiction to safety, ease, comforts, and pleasures has caused us to rely not on God and His provision, but instead on ourselves and what we have in this world. 

The good news is that there is hope, and we will survive the dark winter ahead if we choose to. We just need to be willing to sacrifice and put in the necessary work. 

This war we are in is still merely a cultural one, and the battles for now are social, taking place on our screens and with our words. However, we still need to take the spread of evil and the attacks against Christianity seriously. We must be willing to lose our accounts and platforms, not shying away from speaking the truth. We must accept being exiled from Babylon, and learn to build, grow, survive and thrive outside of its walls when the time comes. We must develop the skills necessary to exist outside of the beast system right now, so that we are no longer held captive by our dependency on what it has to offer. 

With these recent twitter suspensions, youtube censorship and continuing facebook bans, it seems to be a wise time for us to break our ties to the big Babylonian tech companies, reject the comforts that the beast uses to control us, stand up for ourselves, speak out, and take the road less travelled.

We must always continue to seek out those who are lost and bring them into the light of Christ and inform them that salvation for their sins is available. We must never stop evangelizing to all people in all parts of the earth, but we must not sacrifice our own mission, our own purposes and our own souls in order to do so. We must use whatever platforms we can to share the gospel and spread what is good, true, and beautful to all with eyes to see and ears to hear. 

And whenever those saloons decide to shut us up or kick us out, we must be willing to accept that and move onward to the next one. We should also have a home base or two that can be relied upon to respect our faith, our opinions, ours rights, and our general existence. 

When twitter purges, Gab surges..

And it is time for young Christians to make Gab a home base for online networking and internet fellowship, viewing almost all of the other social media sites and platforms as temporary hosts. It has seen a giant increase in memberships lately as a result of the increasing censorship of righteous voices by satanic forces, many of them being those Christians censored on other sites. Gab is run by Christians, for Christians, and although it does protect freedom of speech and allows controversial opinions, it is free from the degeneracy that has been tolerated, normalized, and often promoted by the other big tech sites. is another great platform run by Vox Day & Co. It requires a subscription to, which is as low as $5 a month and allows full access to a massive catalog of streams from brilliant, entertaining, insightful, and educational minds. It is more than just a good social network, it is a streaming platform and very much worth the small price. 

Telegram also seems to be a social media platform that has not yet censored or unjustly removed its users over their controversial opinions or for their affiliations. Although some users have experienced censorship through the app store on their apple or android phones, they have not been silenced or deleted by the company itself and can still be accessed fully through computer browsers. 

I recommend signing up for and using these social media platforms going forward, as they seem to be the best long-term solutions for Christians to network, communicate, and fellowship with each other.  The rest of the social media apps out there should be used whenever possible to spread the truth and love of our creator, as we can't just give up in our attempt to bring lost souls into righteousness even if the odds are against us. There is no harm in using the resources of the beast against itself in this spiritual battle we are in, but these accounts we have should also be viewed as temporary. We must acknowledge these Babylonian tech companies as being operated by forces of evil who are not on our side, viewing our limited time left on those spaces as useful to our cause and damaging to satanic schemes. 

I for one am likely done with twitter.. at least for awhile.. It was a good run while it lasted, I made a lot of friends along the way, and my experience there led quite a few people away from the darkness and towards the light. 

As for now and going forward, find and follow me @seanathancory on Gab, Social Galactic, Telegram : , Instagram, and TikTok. Those last two will likely censor me in the coming months or years given my allegiance to the Lord and His right ways, but sign up for those first 3 sites if you havn't already and make sure to holla at ya boy! 

I also have a discord group that you can join by following this invite link : 

We have a fun time sharing memes, theories, and stories in there. 

You can also send me cool stuff or letters to my PO Box :

Sean Cory  PO Box 330172  Nashville, TN 37203

A Masterful Experiment

  The craziest part to me about the whole plandemic wasn't even it happening, or all the people that carried it out, bought into it, def...