Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Martyr Moment: Hyacinth of Caesarea in Cappadocia

Hyacinth [108] was a young courtier to the Emperor Trajan, and a secret Christian. When the Emperor and his court were offering sacrifice to the idols, Hyacinth stood apart; he was noticed and brought before the Emperor where, when interrogated, he proclaimed himself a Christian and refused to make sacrifice to the pagan gods. For this he was brutally whipped, then thrown into prison, where the Emperor ordered that he be given only food that had been sacrificed to idols. This Hyacinth refused to eat and, after eight days, died in prison.

A Masterful Experiment

  The craziest part to me about the whole plandemic wasn't even it happening, or all the people that carried it out, bought into it, def...